General remarks on SAP GUI Scripting
SAP GUI contains a "scripting API": an object model that represents
a screen with its controls at runtime. In Windows environment the API
can be used from any tool that supports the COM object interface,
especially from VB.NET, VBScript and JavaScript. The object model allows
one to automate all user actions.
Unlike GuiXT, the SAP GUI
scripting approach is not intended to change the screen layout. It
completes the GuiXT functionality, allowing us to manipulate special
controls (like the grid control), but
is restricted to actions that a user is able to do as well.
Documentation of SAP GUI Scripting API To
display the most recent SAP GUI Scripting documentation, click on
the options icon in the SAP GUI window and select "SAP GUI scripting

Activating SAP GUI scripting It is necessary
to activate scripting support in the SAP system and in the SAP GUI
The SAP Profile parameter is
sapgui/user_scripting = TRUE
You can optionally control the use of SAP GUI Scripting on user
level. To do this, you specify the SAP Profile parameter:
sapgui/user_scripting_per_user = TRUE
and use the SAP authorization „S_SCR“.
For further details see the „SAP
GUI Scripting Security Guide“.
activate the scripting in SAP GUI, click on Options->Accessibility &
Scripting and tick the "Enable scripting" checkbox:

settings are kept in the Windows registry:
Server\Security] "UserScripting"=dword:00000001
"WarnOnAttach"=dword:00000000 "WarnOnConnection"=dword:00000000
How to invoke SAP GUI scrpting from GuiXT
- With InputAssistant use the
ApplyGuiScript statement
- WIth GuiXT Controls you can call up a VB, VBScript or JavaScript function and then
invoke SAP GUI scripting, see
GUI Scripting in VB and
the folowing tip
Alternative to the use of SAP GUI scripting It is not always possible to have SAP GUI Scripting activated on your
SAP Server. In this case, the Native Control
Interface of GuiXT Controls is a good alternative for many practical