Purpose Read the SAP database using the Open Call interface We can call up the function module /guixt/dbselect using the Open Call interface. In addition to the advantages of the Open all interface such as the bundling and parallel processing capabilities, this simplifies the interpretation of the returned values, since the interface automatically fills in the columns of a given result table. |
How to proceeed
Example 1 (analogous to
Read an SAP table) InputField
GuiXT Script InputField (1,1) "Country" (1,20) size=2 _techName="KNA1-LAND1" name="country" -upperCase // Create table to determine the country name CreateTable V[t005t] country // country code specified? if V[country] Set V[table] "T005T" Set V[condition] "LAND1 = '&V[country]' and SPRAS = '&V[_language]' " Set V[fields] "LANDX" Call /guixt/dbselect _ cache="session" _ // use cache="session" to save RFC calls export.table="table" _ export.condition="condition" _ export.fields="fields" _ import.values="t005t" endif Text (1,26) "&V[t005t.country.1]"Remarks
Example 2 (analogous to Using an outer join) We let the user enter a search term and display a
table of all customers whose name contains the search term: The main table is KNA1 (customer master data) and the dependent tables are T005T (country names) and T005U (region names). The country code is always filled in KNA1. If you are sure that T005T contains a country name for all countries and all user languages, you can use an inner join to link KNA1 and T005T. If your are not sure, an outer join is a better alternative. The region code is not necessarily filled for all customers, which leaves the outer join as the only possibility, since customers without a region code would otherwise be missing in the result table:
GuiXT Script InputField
"Customer name contains"
// create table if not
yet done title="&V[customers.rowcount] customers found" fixedColumns=4 Column
InputScript "read_customers.txt" // reset table display status // Build join Set V[join] "&V[join] KNA1 " Set V[join] "&V[join] left outer join T005T " Set V[join] "&V[join] on T005T~LAND1 = KNA1~LAND1 " Set V[join] "&V[join] and T005T~SPRAS = '&V[_language]' " Set V[join] "&V[join] left outer join T005U " Set V[join] "&V[join] on T005U~LAND1 = KNA1~LAND1 " Set V[join] "&V[join] and T005U~BLAND = KNA1~REGIO " Set V[join] "&V[join] and T005U~SPRAS = '&V[_language]'" // fields and condition for database call Set V[condition] "KNA1~MCOD1 LIKE '%&V[cname]%' " // select customers export.table="join" _ export.fields="fields" _ export.condition="condition" _ import.values="customers" Return
Example 3 (analogous to Using a CDS view) We let the user enter a date interval and display a table of
all invoices created during this time. In this example the table displayed contains an additional column, the row number, which is not contained in the CDS view. We need to use two different table variables, one with the row number to display the table and one without to read the CDS view. After reading the CDS view we copy the CDS table variable into the display table variable and also set the row number column. GuiXT Script
"Invoice date between"
-date Pushbutton (1,59) "Display invoices" process="read_invoices.txt"if
V[invoices.rowcount] Table (3,1) (32,151) name="invoices" _title="&V[invoices.rowcount invoices" fixedColumns=11 Column "No" size=5 name="No" -readOnlyColumn "Date" size=12 name="Invoice_Date" -readOnly Column "Type" size=4 name="Invoice_Type" -readOnly Column "DocNumber" size=12 name="Document_ID" -readOnly Column "Customer" size=10 name="Customer_ID" -readOnly Column "Name" size=30 name="Customer_Name" -readOnly Column "Terms" size=6 name="Payment_Terms" -readOnly Column "Payment Terms" size=20 name="Payment_Terms_Text" -readOnly Column "Status" size=20 name="Lifecycle_Status_Text" -readOnly Column "Currency" size=8 name="Currency" -readOnly Column "Net value" size=14 name="Net_Value" -alignRight -readOnly
As you see, the CDS parameter P_LANGUAGE is passed in parentheses just
behind the CDS view name (no space character between is allowed). If
there are two or more parameters, separate them by a comma. InputScript "read_invoices.txt" // clear display status // build up parameters for database call Set V[fields] "Invoice_Date,Invoice_Type,Document_ID,Customer_Id,Customer_Name,Payment_Terms, Payment_Terms_Text,Lifecycle_Status_Text,Currency,Net_Value" Set V[condition] "Invoice_Date between @DATUM.1 and @DATUM.2 " Set V[orderby] "Invoice_Date,Document_ID" Set V[domname1] "DATUM.1" Set V[domname2] "DATUM.2" CreateTable V[cdsdata] include=V[invoice]// call CDS view export.table="cdsview" _ export.fields="fields" _ export.condition="condition" _ export.orderBy="orderby" _ export.domname1="domname1" _ export.domvalue1="date1" _ export.domname2="domname2" _ export.domvalue2="date2" _ import.values="cdsdata" // copy CDS table
variable into display table variable Set V[k] 1label next_row ReadRow V[invoice] table=V[cdsdata] index=&V[k] if Q[ok] AppendRow V[invoice] table=V[invoices] Set V[invoices.No.&V[k]] "&V[k]" Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 goto next_row endif Return |
Components InputAssistant |