Allow the user to save the selected table layout

In a self-defined table control the user can change the column widths and the order of the columns with the mouse. The adjustments are only valid for the current session.
This tip shows how you can give the user the option of saving the current table layout and loading it automatically when the table is displayed again.
We add tow buttons which allow the user to save the table layout and to restore the standard layout. For storing the settings we use a local text file.

Our starting point is the following table:


Table (3,5) (12,90) title="My table" name="tabx1" rows="10"
Column "Column 1" size=16 name="col1"
Column "Column 2" size=16 name="col2"
Column "Column 3" size=16 name="col3"
Column "Column 4" size=16 name="col4"
Column "Column 5" size=16 name="col5"

We add buttons to save and restore the layout:


Pushbutton (3,94) "@44\QSave table layout@" _
  size=(1,2) process=

Pushbutton (3,98) "@2W\QRestore standard table layout@" _
  size=(1,2) process=

We finally add an include which loads the user settings when the table is displayed the first time:

// load current lable louyout
include "load_tablesettings.tabx1.txt"



InputScript "save_tablesettings.tabx1.txt"

Set V[filename] "&%[APPDATA]\guixt\tablesettings.tabx1.txt"
OpenFile "&V[filename]" -output
if q[ok]
  AppendFile "&V[filename]" _
tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col1 _
    tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col2 _
    tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col3 _
    tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col4 _
AppendFile "&V[filename]" _
 tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col1 _
    tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col2 _
    tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col3 _
    tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col4 _
CloseFile "&V[filename]"
// Message
Message "S: Table layout saved" -statusline
// error message
Message "E: Could not write settings file &V[filename]" -statusline
// no action
Enter "?"

InputScript "restore_tablesettings.tabx1.txt""

V[filename] "&%[APPDATA]\guixt\tablesettings.tabx1.txt"
RemoveFile "&V[filename]"

// set standard layout
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col1] 1
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col2] 2
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col3] 3
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col4] 4
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col5] 5

V[tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col1] 16
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col2] 16
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col3] 16
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col4] 16
Set V[tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col5] 16

// Message
Message "S: Standard lable layout restored" -statusline

// no action
Enter "?"

Include file  "load_tablesettings.tabx1.txt""

if not V[tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col1]
Set V[filename] "&%[APPDATA]\guixt\tablesettings.tabx1.txt
OpenFile "&V[filename]"
if q[ok]
// read column order
      ReadFile "&V[filename]" _
tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col1 _
       tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col2 _
       tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col3 _
       tabx1.stat.columnnumber.col4 _
// read column width
      ReadFile "&V[filename]" _
tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col1 _
       tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col2 _
       tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col3 _
       tabx1.stat.columnwidth.col4 _
CLoseFile "&V[filename]"
