Process multiple requests in parallel

Parallel processing is an additional performance option when bundling RFCs

When you add the option "-parallelProcessing"
  Call bundledRequests -parallelProcessing
the function calls contained in the bundle are executed in parallel instead of in series. More precisely: Depending on the number x of the maximum number of alternative modes defined in SAP, the processing is carried out in up to x-1 processes. The standard in the SAP system is x=6, the maximum number x=16. The sequence of processing is not defined in this case.

The runtime overhead of parallelizing the calls is around 5-10 milliseconds for each call (or for each subpackage of calls, see below). This means that it makes no sense to parallelize 4 calls each of which takes 1 milisecond only: you end up with say 40 milliseconds for the whole processing  instead of 10 milliseconds (basic RFC communication time included). But if you expect that each of the 4 calls takes 5 seconds, parallel processing can result in around 5 seconds whereas serial processing will take 20 seconds.

The exact figures depend on various environment parameters so that it is a good strategy to compare the run times with and without parallel processing, using realistic data, and then to decide whether or not to use the pallelizing option.

If you have a large number of calls, for example 500 calls, the Open Call interface automatically divides the whole bundle into several packages which are then processed in parallel. This is done in order to reduce the parallelization overhead while still processing most calls in parallel.

You may set a particular package size with 
  Call bundledRequests -parallelProcessing packageSize=n
With n=1 each call is processed separately, and with n higher than the total number of calls the processing is done serially. Normally it will not be necessary to specify a package size explicitely.

The bundling and parallel processing does not require any adaptation of the function modules that you call up. You may use and mix up BAPIs, your own funtion modules, /GUIXT/DBSELECT or any other function module.

We implement a cockpit type application in "SAP Fiori" style:

The user may click on one of the tiles in order to start the corresponding application. For example we call up transaction IW30 (List of notifications) and enter the selection citeria corresponding to the selected tile via an InputScript:

If we expect that the determination of some of the tile figures can take a couple of seconds,  it makes sense to execute the "tile value" calls in parallel. The technique is shown in the following InputScript "refresh_cockpit.txt".

In this demo example we determine the tile figures via the function /GUIXT/DBSELECT, but in your own application you may use any function modules (BAPIs or your own ones) and have them processed in parallel.

We here also include the GuiXT script and the images needed in the example so that you can use them as a starting point for you own Fiori style cockpit application.  All files are contained in this zip file.

Image files


GuiXT Script

// create tile data
if not V[PM_cockpit_refresh]
  Enter process="refresh_cockpit.txt"
Stop script

Offset (1,1)
Box (0,0) (11,90) "PM Cockpit"

// tile 1
Offset (2,2)
ReadRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles] key="outstanding"

// tile 2
Offset (2,24)
ReadRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles] key="inwork"

include "generate_pmtile.txt"

// tile 3
Offset (2,46)
ReadRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles] key="urgent"

include "generate_pmtile.txt"

// tile 4
Offset (2,68)
ReadRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles] key="unassigned"

include "generate_pmtile.txt"

// "Refresh" button
Offset (10,2)
Pushbutton (0,2) "Refresh" process="refresh_cockpit.txt" size=(2,12)

// "Refreh" time
(1,17) "Last refresh: &V[PM_cockpit_refresh]"

InputScript "generate_pmtile.txt"

// we assume that the data for the tile display
// is contained in the structured variable V[tile]:
// "image" is the image file for the tile, white backgound
// "value" is the number to be shown on the tile
// "valuecolor" is the color in which the number is shown
// "link" is the action to be executed when the user clicks the tile

Image (0,1) (7,21) "&V[tile.image]" -plain -noStretch _

// calculate offset for right-aligned value output
Set V[offset] "&V[tile.value]" -charCount
Set V[offset] &V[offset] * 19
Set V[offset] 104 - &V[offset]

// display value
Image (3,5) (5,21) "white.res" -plain _
textstring="&V[tile.value]" textHeight=48 textWeight=8 _
textFont="Calibri" textColor="&V[tile.valuecolor]"
textArea=(&V[offset],0) _

InputScript "refresh_cockpit.txt"

// Set refresh time
Set V[PM_cockpit_refresh] "&V[today_h:m]h"

// create structure and table for tile display
CreateStructure V[tile] id image link value valuecolor
CreateTable V[pmtiles] include="V[tile]"

// Determine value for tile 1
Set V[tablename] "QMEL"
Set V[condition] "qmart like 'M%' and qmdab = '00000000' "

Call "/GUIXT/DBSELECT" -bundle _
export.table="tablename" _
export.condition="condition" _

// Determine value for tile 2
Set V[tablename] "QMEL"
Set V[condition] "qmart like 'M%' and qmdab = '00000000' and aufnr ne '' "

Call "/GUIXT/DBSELECT" -bundle _
export.table="tablename" _
export.condition="condition" _

// Determine value for tile 3
Set V[tablename] "QMEL"
Set V[condition] "qmart like 'M%' and qmdab = '00000000' and priok in ('1','2') "

Call "/GUIXT/DBSELECT" -bundle _
export.table="tablename" _
export.condition="condition" _

// Determine value for tile 4
Set V[tablename] "AUFK join JEST on jest~objnr = aufk~objnr"
Set V[condition] _
       "aufk~auart like 'PM%' and jest~stat = 'I0002' and jest~inact ne 'X' "

CreateTable V[values] wa

Call "/GUIXT/DBSELECT" -bundle _
export.table="tablename" _
export.condition="condition" _

// process all requests
Call bundledRequests -parallelProcessing

// import data and build up tiles

// Tile 1
Call importFromBundle=1
Set V[tile.id] "outstanding"
Set V[tile.image] "pmtile.outstanding.png"
Set V[tile.link] "OK:IW30,process=outstanding_notifications.txt"
Set V[tile.value] "&V[pmcount]"
Set V[tile.valuecolor] "RGB(0,50,200)"

AppendRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles]

// Tile 2
Call importFromBundle=2
Set V[tile.id] "inwork"
Set V[tile.image] "pmtile.inwork.png"
Set V[tile.link] "OK:IW30,process=active_notifications.txt"
Set V[tile.value] "&V[pmcount]"
Set V[tile.valuecolor] "RGB(0,128,0)"

AppendRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles]

// Tile 3
Call importFromBundle=3
Set V[tile.id] "urgent"
Set V[tile.image] "pmtile.urgent.png"
Set V[tile.link] "OK:IW30,process=urgent_notifications.txt"
Set V[tile.value] "&V[pmcount]"
Set V[tile.valuecolor] "RGB(255,128,64)"

AppendRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles]

// Tile 4
Call importFromBundle=4
Set V[tile.id] "unassigned"
Set V[tile.image] "pmtile.unassigned.png"
Set V[tile.link] "OK:IW38,process=unassigned_workorders.txt"
Set V[tile.value] "&V[pmcount]"
Set V[tile.valuecolor] "RGB(100,100,100)"

AppendRow V[tile] table=V[pmtiles]

// no application action on this screen
Enter "?"

