Use the built-in functions of the native control interface for the toolbar control

For most tasks it is not advisable to program your own VB functions that communicate with the special SAP UI controls such as grid control or tree control. The SAP UI controls are more complex than one might think, since they handle user actions, read and write the SAP GUI datastream and communicate with SAP application. So your VB function is player number three or four in this system.

The following functions, built in into the GuiXT Controls interface "guinet.dll", cover most of what is normally needed. Please observe:

  • All functions have obligatory and optional parameters. We suggest you use the "by name" calling for all optional parameters.
  • All functions can either be called from your GuiXT script, in most cases with CallVBAsync, or from your own VB.NET function. If you need to evaluate the return code of the built-functions it is often more practical to call up your own VB.NET function with CallVBAsync and then call the built-in function from there.

Clicks a button in the toolbar

CallVBAsync guinet.ToolbarControl.ClickButton

1 butName
Internal name of the button or button text

2 toolBarNo    Default: -1

Number of the toolbar on screen.
The value -1 means: the button is searched by its name in all toolbars on the screen

"X" if the button was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.ToolbarControl.ClickButton "%ATTA_DISPLAY"

The button names are shown in the GuiXT Script Editor Pro:

Alternatively, you can record the button click with  GuiXT Input Recording and then copy the string specified as item=

Or you use SAP GUI Scripting Recording: the button name is specified in the function pressToolbarButton:



Selects a menu item of a "menu type" button

CallVBAsync guinet.ToolbarControl.SelectMenuitem

1 itemname
Internal name of the menu button, followed by a dot and the internal name of the menu item, or number for the grid control toolbar (see section below)

2 toolBarNo    Default: -1

Number of the toolbar on screen.
The value -1 means: the menu button is searched by its name in all toolbars on the screen

"X" if the button was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.ToolbarControl.SelectMenuitem  "%GOS_TOOLBOX.%GOS_VIEW_ATTA"

The button names are shown in the GuiXT Script Editor Pro. Menu type buttons are either  denoted as "Menu" or "ButtonAndMenu" :

The item names are currently not shown in the Script Editor Pro. You can use GuiXT Input Recording to get the menu button and item names:

Or you use SAP GUI Scripting Recording:

session.findById("wnd[0]/titl/shellcont/shell").pressContextButton "%GOS_TOOLBOX"
session.findById("wnd[0]/titl/shellcont/shell").selectContextMenuItem "%GOS_VIEW_ATTA"

Grid control toolbar
For the grid control toolbar you need to use the number of the menu item instead of its id.

Example: In transaction SE16N we add a button to download the grid control content as a tab separated text file:


We need to select the third menu item: 


The menu id is "&MB_EXPORT":


// Transaction SE16N

// download table content to local file (tab separated text file)

Screen SAPLSE16N.0200

  CallVBAsync guinet.toolbarcontrol.SelectMenuItem "&MB_EXPORT.3"



// Save list in file...

Screen SAPLSPO5.0110

  Set R[Text with Tabs]   "X"



InputAssistant + Controls