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SAP GUI option to activate/deactivate the Belize/Fiori theme
In a GuiXT script you may specify the button group where you want to
display your button using the "group=" option of the Pushbutton command.
We now describe the possibilities in more detail. Group "A": Application-Specific Action The default group for GuiXT toolbar buttons is 'A' (application). The button is displayed in the standard application function bar, at the end of the existing functions. Example: Pushbutton (toolbar) "Show changes" process="show_changes.txt" // group="A"
Due to the full text display (no icons) of the buttons in Fiori, your new button will often be hidden in the "More" group:
With the notation group="A+" your button will be displayed left of the standard application buttons: Pushbutton (toolbar) "Show changes" process="show_changes.txt" group="A+"
"@IG\QDisplay the material
changes@Show changes" _
If you do not want to display the icon in Fiori mode, but for other visual themes, use the option -noIcon of the Pushbutton command. It suppresses the icon display in the case of Fiori. Icon-only buttons are possible as well:
"@IG\QDisplay the material
changes@" _
This saves space but will not be met with enthusiasm by the Fiori apologists.
Group "D": Display <-> Change This special group may contain a button which switches between "Display" and "Change" mode. Example: Pushbutton (toolbar) "Display" process="display_mode.txt" group="D"
The rules concerning icons / tooltip are the same as for group "A".
Group "G": Generic actions Actions that are relatively independent of the transaction/screen. Example: We add a "Feedback" button using the "letter" icon. In order to display it left of the other generic functions we use group "G+": Pushbutton (toolbar) ""@J8\QFeedback@" process="feedback.txt" group="G+"
Group "P": Processing action This group is displayed on the right edge of the footer. Typical functions are "Save" or "Continue". Since a long mouse movement is necessary to reach these buttons, the group should be reserved for buttons that have a "closing" character, at least for the current screen. The rules for icons and for the "P+" notation apply as described above. Only the first button is displayed with a blue backgound. Example:Pushbutton (toolbar) "Next view" process="next.txt" group="P" ![]() Group "V": View Switch This group is displayed in a different format, namely as a drop down list of buttons. Its purpose is to let the user choose between several views of a screen or transaction. GuiXT automatically marks the first button as the default view. Example: We add buttons that let the user toggle between "SAP standard" and "Simplified". if V[BP_mode=Easy]Pushbutton (toolbar) "Simplified" process="toggle_mode.txt" group="V" Pushbutton (toolbar) "Standard" process="toggle_mode.txt" group="V" // ... else ![]() Icons are not supported in this group.
Group "L": Less important actions The whole group "L" is shown in "More", even if there is enough space on the screen to display additional buttons. Icons are not supported in this group.
Probably not useful in GuiXT; but added in GuiXT for completeness.
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