Transfer a binary file |
GuiXT does not provide direct support for binary files, since in the internal representation all GuiXT variables are strings which are terminated by a 0-byte. To transfer binary files, e.g. a .png image file or a PDF, it is best to use a text format of the file. In order to achieve the character format, you may use JavaScript, VB.NET or C#. A conversion to hex code, e.g. "3100" for the "1" and a 0-byte, or the Base64 format commonly used in the web environment, are possible. Alternatively, you can read the file with CopyText and the -hexadecimal option and then use GuiXT means to convert it into a table with fixed length rows (see variant 2 below).
The code below does not contain any error handling, e.g. handling missing authorizations to store the object in the MIME repository. |
GuiXT InputScript, variant 1 (with JavaScript call)
SelectFile filter="*.pdf" directory="F:\temp" name="pdfname" if Q[ok] // create a table variable for the file content CreateTable V[content] line
// Call up JavaScript to read the file CallJS filetohex "&V[pdfname]" "content.line"
// Object name for MIME repository Set V[objectname] "test3.pdf" // Call up the ABAP function module
// the dialog flag is only needed if the called function call /guixt/uploadfile -dialog _ export.objectname="objectname" _ export.content="content" // final message Message "File &V[pdfname] stored in MIME repository" -statusline endif
JavaScript function
function filetohex(filename, linename) { var a = binaryFileToArray(filename); var str = ""; for (var k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { if (a[k] < 16) { str += '0' + a[k].toString(16); } else { str += a[k].toString(16); }; }; str = str.toUpperCase(); var k = 0; var linesize = 4000; while (k * linesize < str.length) { guixt.set(linename + "." + (k + 1), str.substr(k * linesize, linesize)) k += 1; }; } //Reads a binary file, returns an array function binaryFileToArray(fileName) { var binStream = guixt.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"); binStream.Type = 1; // Type Binary binStream.Open(); binStream.loadFromFile(fileName); var binVariant = binStream.read(); binStream.Close();
return VBArray(binVariant).toArray();
ABAP function module
function /guixt/uploadfile. data: input type string, output type xstring. concatenate lines of content into input. output = input. data: path type string. path ='/SAP/PUBLIC/GUIXT/DEMO/' && objectname. data(sapmr) = cl_mime_repository_api=>get_api( ). sapmr->put( i_url = path i_content = output ). endfunction. The function module is not remarked as "RFC enabled" in order to allow strings in the interface. The Open Call interface allows us to call up modules which formally are not RFC-enabled in the function library. ![]() |
GuiXT InputScript, variant 2 (without JavaScript call)
SelectFile filter="*.pdf" directory="F:\temp" name="pdfname" if Q[ok] CopyText fromFile="&V[pdfname]" toText="content" -hexadecimal CopyText fromText="content" toString="filecontent" CreateStructure V[contentline] line CreateTable V[content] line Set V[index1] 1 Set V[index2] 4000 label next_line Set V[contentline.line] "&V[filecontent](&V[index1]-&V[index2])" if V[contentline.line] AppendRow V[contentline] table=V[content] Set V[index1] &V[index1] + 4000 Set V[index2] &V[index2] + 4000 goto next_line endif
Set V[objectname] "test3.pdf" // Call up the ABAP function module
// the dialog flag is only needed if the called function call /guixt/uploadfile -dialog _ export.objectname="objectname" _ export.content="content" // final message Message "File &V[pdfname] stored in MIME repository" -statusline endif
Components |