Purpose GuiXT already offers the possibility of displaying your own SAP tables. However, a few functions are not possible there and can be realized with a DataGridView. These include, for example, the interactive hiding of columns, display of images, coloring of rows and so on. In this example, we want to evaluate the items of a customer's orders and display these together with the net value and a picture of the material in a table.
GuiXT Script:
Pushbutton (5,71) "@D2\QRead sales@Read sales" _
// area for VB.NET control.
// embed control
CallVB GuiXTdataGridView.Form1.embed "&V[r1]"
CallVB GuiXTdataGridView.Form1.SetSize "500" "500"
CallVB GuiXTdataGridView.Form1.SetRowHeight "70" endif |
// read order
CallVB GuiXTdataGridView.Form1.SetHeaders "Number|Net Value|Description"
CallVB GuiXTdataGridView.Form1.AddImageCol "C:\guixtvb\productimages\" "0"
message "&V[r]" -statusline
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