To read strings, use the predefined variables V[_listline(1), V[_listline(2)], ... with an appropriate line number. Example:
Set V[fname] "&V[_listline(5)](4,20)"
The line number can be specified as a variable:
Set V[fname] "&V[_listline(&V[k])](4,20)"
To write strings, use Set list[...] , for example
Set list[&V[k],1,1] "X"
Example The following InputScript automates transaction SE16, where the field selection is implemented as an ABAP list.
// script parameters
Parameter TABLE "MARC"
Parameter FROM "40"
Parameter TO "70"
// list of fields to display in SE16, we add a closing ,
Set text[fieldlist] "&U[FIELDS],"
// start transation SE16
Enter "/nse16"
Screen SAPLSETB.0230
// generated screen, its name depends on the table name
Screen *
Set F[I1-LOW] "&U[FROM]"
Set F[I1-HIGH] "&U[TO]"
// to field selection
Enter "=FELD"
Screen SAPLSETB.0120
// clear field list
Enter "/14"
label select_fields
Screen SAPLSETB.0120
// skip list header lines
Set V[k] 3
label check_fname
// no more list lines to process on this page?
if not V[_listline(&V[k])]
goto scroll
// pick up field name
Set V[fname] "&V[_listline(&V[k])](4,20)"
// field name in field list?
replaceText fieldlist from="&V[fname]," to=""
// yes, tick checkbox in list
if Q[ok]
Set list[&V[k],1,1] "X"
// no field left?
if not text[fieldlist]
goto done
// next line
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1
goto check_fname
label scroll
// any lines left?
if V[_listlastvisiblerow<&V[_listlastrow]]
Enter "/23" // scroll
goto select_fields
label done
// back from field selection
Enter "/6"
// generated screen, depends on the table name
Screen *
// display results
Enter "/8"