Selected row number in our own searchhelp: In an SAP table control we have defined a special searchhelp for one of the columns SearchHelp [SAPLCOMK_TCTRL_3020,12] techname="/XXXX/PMGF_CHARGE"
This works well, but one important detail is missing. We need to pass the material number, entered in a different column in the same row, to the searchhelp. How can this be done? I have tried various ways but none  worked.
This can be done but it is tricky. The system variable
V[_tabrow] contains the selected row number and one could be excused for thinking that

SearchHelp [SAPLCOMK_TCTRL_3020,12]

passes the right material number. But this does not work since the expression &V[_tabrow] is already evaluated by GuiXT when the screen is processed, before the user has selected the row.


Set V[ampersand] "&"

SearchHelp [SAPLCOMK_TCTRL_3020,12]

it will work correctly, since GuiXT replaces &V[ampersand] with & when the screen is displayed, and the resulting &V[_tabrow] with the selected row number when the searchhelp is invoked.