InputAssistant setup for several systems

Our users are able to use both SAP ERP and SAP CRM on one workstation. GuiXT is set up to be able to serve both systems. We want to activate InputAssistant for ERP with the statement 'component' and the keys. How will this affect CRM?

Another question: We have an RFC connection to the ERP production server defined with the statement 'RfcConnect ASHOST=MYCOMDB42 SYSNR=00'. What if we also want to have an RFC connection to CRM?

If you want to use GuiXT in one system, or in certain systems only, please use the
EnableSystem XXX
EnableSystem YYY
statement in guixt.ini.

If you need different RfcConnect statements for different systems, you can use
RfcConnect ifDatabase=XXX Ashost=... ...
RfcConnect ifDatabase=YYY Ashost=... ...

By the way, the RfcConnect should normally not be necessary. A further possibility (recently added in GuiXT) is to use system-specific guixt.ini files, by putting "&database" into the filename in the "SwitchTo" statement.