Function Shows or hides the table detail display
Example <div class="tablerow" onclick="S10ToggleDetail(this);">
Nr Description
Table row
As a rule, "this" is passed here.
The values "true" and "false" are possible, the default is "false".
If the value is "true", the values are read again when the table is expanded again; if the value is "false", only the area that was expanded the previous time is displayed again.
Description  With S10ToggleDetail() you can enable the user to display detailed information by clicking on a table row. The detail display data is read by calling the ABAP method "on_detail_xxx "where xxx is the table name. In "on_detail_xxx" you get the number of the selected table row by s10actionparameter().


show details in customer list 
method on_detail_tabkna1.

read current table row.
datatabindex type i.
tabindex s10actionparameter( ).
read table tabkna1 index tabindex assigning field-symbol(<row>).

now read additional details into the class atttributes
using the customer number <row>-kunnr



Further explanations can be found in the chapter Tables.
Components S10 Framework