General The components InputAssistant and Controls require a "GuiXT license file". The license file contains, among other things, the customer number, the licensed components and the number of users. When you buy a license Synactive automatically sends you the license file.
Storing the license file

The license file can, like the scripts, be centrally stored; so that there is no need to do this on each individual PC.
For example, you can use SAP Web Repository, Mime Repository or a network server. Specify the license file path in GuiXT profile or in a central "guixt.ini" file.

The parameter in "guixt.ini" is Licensefile. Example:

Licensefile    SAPWR:ZGUIXT.guixtlicense.txt

If you use the GuiXT profile in Windows registry (e.g. for test purposes), please enter the license file path into the field  "License agreement file":


License file example The license file is a text file containing a couple of administrative facts and a digital signature. Example:

GuiXT License File

Vendor Synactive GmbH

Date 2018-09-25

LicenseId 812.mycompany.635454292917513144

Owner mycompany, London, UK

OwnerId 0000000812

Component InputAssistant

Component Controls

MaxUsers 500

MaintenanceTo 2022-09-30

Signature Synactive GmbH 123.456.789.12.345.678

License file and  license keys System specific license keys such as 

Key mycompany.E72.glkmeehvrdnz
Key mycompany.Q72.ryzyujhvrdnz
Key mycompany.P72.gyrymohvrdnz

are also required.

The license file is not system specific; it generally represents your license contract with Synactive.

Licensing additional users or additional components
When you add user licenses or buy additional GuiXT components Synactive will send you the appropriate new license file.