Function With CopyFile you can copy a file.
Example CopyFile source="C:\images\p100.gif"  destination="C:\temp\p100.gif"

The file "C:\images\p100.gif" is copied into  "C:\temp\p100.gif".

Format CopyFile source="sourcefile"  destination="destinationfile"

A copy of the source file is created with the specified name. If such a file already exists, it is overwritten. If the source file does not exist, no action is performed.


if Q[ok]

you can query whether the copy operation has been successful.

With source= you can specify:

  • local files, e.g.  "C:\temp\abc.txt"
  • files in UNC notation, e.g. "\\P0012\GuiXT\abc.txt"
  • files on http or ftp servers, e.g. ""
  • files in the SAP Repository, e.g.. "SAPWR:ZGUIXT.logon.gif"

And with destination= you can specify:

  • local files, e.g..  "C:\temp\abc.txt"
  • files in UNC notation, e.g. "\\P0012\GuiXT\abc.txt"
  • files on http or ftp servers, e.g. ""
  • But no files in the SAP Repository

User and password, if required for an http/ftp server, can be notated as follows:

  •  ""
-noCache Bypasses the GuiXT file cache when the file is read. Otherwise files from SAP Web Repository, SAP MIME Repository and network files are read from GuiXT cache if the cache option is ticked in GuiXT profile.
Components GuiXT + InputAssistant