Purpose With the Compress command you can get rid of empty lines within a frame or within an entire screen. Lines from below will be moved upwards to fill the empty ones, thus reducing the area and perimeter of the frame. This is particularly useful when you have deleted numerous fields in a screen and you would like to have a compact layout without necessitating a lot of rearranging and fiddling about.

The frame is compressed vertically, not horizontally; i.e. there is a reduction in the number of lines but not in the number of columns.

Example Compress G[further data]
Format Compress G[frame]

Empty lines (rows) within the given frame will be deleted, the frame compacted and its size thereby reduced.


Empty lines (rows) within the given screen will be deleted and the entire screen compacted.

& Tricks
  • Delete the superfluous fields in your script before compressing the screen. 
  • In doing so you may have to use the "-triple" option in order to make sure you also delete the text fields behind input fields; otherwise the lines won't be able to be compressed.
  • You can shift frames or fields before or after compressing. Usually it makes sense to do so before compressing in order to have a better overview of the general effect and avoid clutter.
  • "Blank line" applies only to the area within a frame if you are compressing a frame, otherwise it applies to the entire area. It therefore sometimes makes sense to compress individual frames before proceeding to compress the entire screen.
  • If you add your own elements (texts, pushbuttons, inputfields...), please remember to do it before compressing, otherwise there will be no available space left to do so afterwards.
  • You may find that your own elements are also shifted and your frames reduced in the compressing process.
Components GuiXT